The Confluence of Artificial Intelligence and the Decision Sciences
John H. Saunders

The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Decision Sciences (DS) discipline and to expand upon possible new directions for research. It does this by first laying a foundation in the realms of Problem Solving (PS), Modeling, and Decision Making (DM). Efforts, primarily in the Decision Analysis area, for addressing the problem solving process are then examined. Efforts in the AI area are then reviewed in a similar manner. Common threads in the disciplines are then examined. Areas in which AI based enhancements to the DS have already been created and demonstrated are then explored. Finally, potential areas for additional synergism are proposed.
"Joining hands with AI, management science and operations research can aspire to tackle every kind of problem solving and decisionmaking task the human mind confronts." Herbert A. Simon


    Chapter     Title

List of Figures

1 Background

2 Problems, Decisions & Models

3 Cognitive Elements in Problem Solving

4 The Concerns of Artificial Intelligence

5 The Concerns of the Decision Sciences

6 Cross Fertilization in AI & the DSs

7 Potential Research Directions

