Hicksite Quaker Meeting House and Cemetery 1837-1919
Mt Pleasant, Jefferson County, Ohio
At the Intersection of Jefferson County Road 5 and Ohio Route 150

Family Members Buried in the Cemetery:

George Passmore Clark
tombstone reads
George P. Clark
3rd Mo 7th 1890
in his 74th year
B 1817

Samaria I Robinson Clark
tombstone reads
Samaria I Clark
10th Mo 23rd 1905
in her 87th year
B 1818

George and Samaria share a tombstone, seen below

Tacy Robinson (Samaria's twin sister)

Laura S. Clark (George & Samaria's daughter)
Tella Clark (George & Samaria's daughter)
Elizabeth Clark (George & Samaria's daughter)

Alice Clark Walker (George & Samaria's daughter)

William R. Clark (George & Samaria's son)