Exercises in Chaos

The continuum of behavior
Steady State -
Dependent Upon Initial Conditions
Random - no pattern

Chaotic - a pattern at some values / under some conditions

Some Demonstrations

Jensen Chaos

A demonstration of a simple model where chaos may be seen

The rate (DELTA X) =

 A*X(t)*(1 - X(t)) - X(t)
X is an accumulator, LAG X is a period variable.


1) Initial Run
set X = .1
set DT = 1
set A = 1
2) Subsequent Runs
set A to 1,2,3,4
Plot X
3) Using the sensitivity feature, lower the time step to .5, and find the value at which chaos begins.

4) Keep shortening DT, what happens to the value you must give to A to exhibit unstable behavior?

5) Return and set DT = .5. Can you narrow/identify the critical values for A where the behavior of X changes / bifurcates?

Refer to the table of Lyapunov exponents in Section 4.3 of the Chaos Hypertextbook. Are these close to the values you have identified?
6) How do you tell if the output of this or any model is chaotic or just random? Does it exhibit behavior/ a pattern identified previously?
Plot X against LAG X.
Plot RAND against DELAY RAND.
What do you see?

Lorenz Chaos

Richardson Chaos